
3rd day - Cinematography

Today we were introduced to cinematography, the photography of moving pictures.

Our very agreeable tutor was Robin Vidgeon, who gave us some basics about lighting and how to create depth and mood with it.

 Mr. Robin Vidgeon, DOP

In the morning we had a quite instructive chat about several technical aspects of lenses and cameras and about the role of the cinematographer on a film production. We discussed the differences between stock film and digital HD.

In the afternoon we started a workshop on camera operating. I grabed a camera for the first time in my life. A pretty respectable one, also. It's definitely not my thing, but it was a good and important experience to have. I also got acquainted with the obscure craft of focus pulling, which demands some kind of extra-sensorial perception that hopefully I'll never have to understand.

Most of all I had the opportunity to clarify an enourmous amount of aspects about photography technicalities, a subject in which I am utterly ignorant.

 As you can see, I spent the entire day nagging this incredibly patient gentleman with my endless questions...

At the end of the day we compared the image from different film stocks and different digital HD cameras by watching footage captured with each of them.

It was a fairly fruitful day about the more technical realm of filmmaking, which doesn't captivate me as much as the creative and artistic one, but which is still unavoidable if you want to be a good director.

I'm really looking forward to learning some more tomorrow, as the camera and lighting workshop continues.

We'll meet again then!

 A pretty respectable camera indeed...

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